A great time to be in tech
David Richards on the new WANdisco Academy at Sheffield College and rolling out his foundation's data science syllabus.
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David Richards on the new WANdisco Academy at Sheffield College and rolling out his foundation's data science syllabus.
An alternative recruitment route has helped to secure young tech talent for a local company.
Call for employers to provide examples of opportunities to help with marketing to potential candidates.
Here's the latest update on this important new skills offer.
Great progress is being made and you can find out more at an update briefing on 7th February.
The Sheffield College's CIO talks about her role and how the College can work with digital companies.
This key education provider wants to build stronger links with digital employers.
Sheffield College are inviting employers to help them better prepare young people to enter the Creative and Digital Industries.
Sheffield College seeks digital businesses to come and inspire the next generation of talent.