Talent23: how did we do?
Thanks to our community, T23 is starting to make an impact.
a year of talent and skills
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Thanks to our community, T23 is starting to make an impact.
Our Regional Partner is seeking employers to take on local digital degree apprentices this September.
The training provider secured DfE funding and plaudits from Ofsted on courses that go ‘above and beyond’, all in Q1 of 2024!
TechVision Society is on a mission to help students from diverse fields find their way into the technology industry.
The full report is now available, giving details of our findings.
More than 50 matches have been made and the scheme continues to grow.
Verticode and The Sheffield College tell us how they are helping to keep talented young people in the city’s tech ecosystem.
Adam Newbold tells us what’s involved in being a Squad Lead
With help from local tech companies, Voluntary Action Sheffield is helping refugees train and work in digital.