Sheffield’s AMT nominated for 3D Printing Industry Award
Sheffield company up for prestigious industry award in Startup of the Year category.
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Sheffield company up for prestigious industry award in Startup of the Year category.
We speak to founder Rory Gibson, who is looking for feedback and offering a huge discount.
Perform Green are a strategy and change consultancy that works to improve places, organisations, communities, and people’s lives.
The investment will help the Sheffield company develop its products and move into new markets.
TribePad's recruitment software is used by some of the biggest companies in the world.
Tutorful and Sport:80 deliver winning pitches at the Northern Stars grand final.
Sheffield digital agency scoop prestigious award for a successful launch and first year doing business in China.
Switchstance partnered with Google Digital Garage to host a digital marketing masterclass for Sheffield businesses.
Ioetec Limited is one of nine companies hoping to produce the next generation of cyber security leaders.