Help build the local ‘Internet of Food’
The University of Sheffield’s Urban Institute is seeking collaborators to help them design digital platforms for the city’s food ecosystem.
a year of talent and skills
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The University of Sheffield’s Urban Institute is seeking collaborators to help them design digital platforms for the city’s food ecosystem.
Key points from the 4 All the UK strategy and what Sheffield’s campaign team are doing next.
Fragomen’s Kathleen O’Donnell explains the process of employing highly skilled migrants to fill skills gaps.
Katie Attwood writes about plans to tackle issues and take practical steps for Sheffield’s women in tech.
Here's the latest update on this important new skills offer.
The Techdept team are running a special North Vs South edition of The Tech Off on 7th March.
A unique opportunity to meet Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs, companies and investors.
Head along on 23rd March to see how your company can become a technology vendor for the Council.
Hear how Ioetec are taking on cybersecurity and the internet of things, plus the company’s accelerator experience.