The association for the people and businesses of Sheffield's digital industries.

mentoring for talent development

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UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has announced a new round of Future Leaders Fellowships, an opportunity to develop your researchers and innovators.

The Future Leaders Fellowships scheme is now open. The programme helps early career researchers and innovators from eligible UK businesses to develop their leadership potential through challenging innovation or research projects. Support includes funding of up to £1.2 million for four years, with the flexibility to extend.

Future Leaders Fellowships are designed to help the next generation of tech entrepreneurs, business leaders, innovators and researchers get the support they need to develop their careers.

A Fellowship could help your business to:

  • attract or retain an individual with outstanding leadership potential to lead a challenging innovation or research project
  • access funding to cover salaries and critical operational costs supporting the Fellow (up to £1.2m over 4 years)
  • benefit from flexible public funding to support innovation programmes, with the option to work on a portfolio of projects and the flexibility to change direction to meet business requirements
  • continue training and developing your Fellow in other business activities alongside the Fellowship using the new ‘reduced hours’ option.

Find out more

To benefit from this scheme you have to register your interest (which only takes a few minutes) so you can be sent more information. You can do that here.

UKRI held a webinar briefing for businesses in April 2019 to talk about its Future Leaders Fellowships scheme and how businesses can be involved, which you can watch here. If you have any questions please call the UKRI team on 01793 416409 or email them at