Connecting employers to the future workforce
See it Be it in Sheffield demystifies the tech sector by facilitating meaningful employer engagement in schools.
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See it Be it in Sheffield demystifies the tech sector by facilitating meaningful employer engagement in schools.
Chris Dymond is reaching out to the tech and creative communities to join the governance boards of Sheffield’s UTCs.
A new campaign is asking businesses to donate unwanted computers to support at-home learning for underprivileged children in Sheffield.
Your help is needed to plug the region’s skills gap, by providing real-world insight and experience to talented young computing specialists.
DRJFF has launched free data science homeschooling packs to keep kids inspired and excited about technology.
Sheffield Girls’ Junior School has been selected as the first national robotics hub for primary school children.
The David and Jane Richards Family Foundation has teamed up with Pimoroni to help Sheffield school students get creative with data.
How can we tackle Sheffield’s digital skills shortage?
Sheffield Hallam University is inviting employers to take first year computing students on a one week placement to give them early exposure to the world of work.