We are thrilled to announce Sheffield Digital’s second Annual General Meetup, which takes place on Wednesday 18th September, 6:00 – 9:30pm(ish) at a magnificent venue. This is an event for our members, sponsors, partners and founders to get together and look back at what we’ve achieved, look forward to the things we’d love to see happen and to celebrate what we do with everyone.
What’s it all about?
This event gives everyone the space and opportunity to shape what we do going forwards. We will:
- tell the story of Sheffield’s digital scene over the last 12 months
- look forward to things that are coming up
- give everyone a chance to speak their mind and help shape what we do next
- thank everyone who supports our work
- drink, eat, chat and celebrate!
Who’s our guest speaker?
Sally Bogg describes herself as a shoe loving, tea drinking, Yorkshire lass. She is head of service delivery at Leeds Beckett University, winner of the Everywoman Team Leader of the Year Award in 2019, Women in IT Business Role Model of the Year in 2018 and Service Desk Inspirational Leader of the Year 2017. Sally is passionate about the enhancement and empowerment of women in tech and an ambassador for diversity within Higher Education. She’ll be speaking about the value of human contribution, the challenges facing our sector in an increasingly automated world and the importance of addressing diversity issues so that we recognise and value a wider pool of people, skills and characteristics to help meet those challenges. Expect to be challenged and enlightened.
Fancy joining us?
You can only attend the event if you are a member, founder, sponsor or partner of Sheffield Digital. You should have received an email at the end of August so please check your inbox. If you can’t find it then please email info@sheffield.digital to request your invitation to be re-sent.
There is a limit of one ticket per individual member and two tickets for company members, sponsors and partners. Please register as soon as possible so that we can plan for the right numbers.
Of course, if you are not currently a member, this is the perfect time to join up so that you can be part of the event! Sheffield Digital receives no public funding and our membership income allows us to connect, promote and represent the city’s digital people and businesses. Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to do half of what we do.
So please consider signing up. It’s just £5 per month for individual members and a little bit more for companies, depending on size.
We can’t wait!
We really hope that you can make it to the event and that you’re looking forward to it as much as we are. If you have any questions, please email info@sheffield.digital or get in touch on Slack or Twitter.