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Episode 29

We speak to Artistic Director at Site Gallery about moving to Sheffield and digital's relationship with the arts.

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It’s time for episode 29 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast! We were delighted to welcome Sharna Jackson, Artistic Director at Site Gallery and soon-to-be-published children’s author.

Sharna has an action-packed background in arts, culture and all things digital. We spoke to her about her career so far, how she ended up in Sheffield and some of the ways that digital technology may influence the team’s work at Site Gallery.

We also asked Sharna about her role in establishing Playground, an exhibition for kids run as part of the Children’s Media Conference, as well as Sheffield’s reputation for digital arts and culture.

Honestly, we had such fun chatting and covered so much ground, it’s hard to be specific on what we did talk about! But needless to say, if you have any interest at all in how digital and the arts come together, you’re going to enjoy this very much.

In the second half of the show, we cover a range of news and events-based topics, including:

  • the upcoming second Sheffield Digital Showcase
  • the city’s Digital Awards as launched by Sheffield Star
  • various meetings and conferences attended by Mel and Chris.

Don’t forget, if your podcast app of choice supports chapters, you can skip merrily between sections with the tap of a finger or tip of your nose. Seriously, it works very well if you have your hands full. Enjoy the show!

Thanks to Rebel Base Media!

As you’ll quickly be able to tell when you hit play, this episode was recorded in the brand new podcasting studio at Rebel Base Media, based at Sheffield Technology Parks. The studio is free to use until June and it’s got all the gear you need to produce a properly professional podcast. You should absolutely head over and give it a whirl.

Subscribe to the show

If you’d like to have new episodes of the show appear right in your podcast player, you can subscribe via our page on Apple Podcasts or search for us in your podcast app of choice!

Notes and links

Every episode comes with a list of links to all of the various people, companies and topics that we reference. Here is that list for episode 29.

Did I miss something you’re looking for? Just get in touch and let me know.

Join the conversation

We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast. You can share your thoughts with us on Twitter or on the channel in the Sheffield Digital Slack community.

Thank you for the music

Thanks again to Alex Mclean – aka Yaxu – for the show’s intro music, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.