Last September, as part of our partnership with the AMRC, we arranged for a number of digital companies to visit Factory 2050 to hear about their work and have a tour of the facility.
The aim was to help people working in digital to get a feel for how digital is being applied in advanced manufacturing and to think about how they might develop products or services for manufacturers.
How do manufacturing businesses work?
After the visit, many people mentioned that they would like the opportunity to find out more about what goes on in a manufacturing business so that they could better see what the opportunities were for digital solutions.
In response to this feedback, the Sheffield Innovation Programme has designed a two-day workshop to meet that need. It is completely free to attend and is being offered to the Sheffield Digital community first before it goes out to wider distribution.
The workshop is free to attend for digital businesses based in Sheffield City Region. It takes place on the 8th and 15th of March.
About the workshop
On the first day, the morning will consist of briefings from university experts on digitisation for manufacturing, the use of automation, robotics, simulation and digital modelling in manufacturing processes, and cyber-security and IoT optimisation. The afternoon will include two case studies from local manufacturers and a facilitated reflection session to allow delegates to discuss what they have learned during the day.
On the second, the morning will consist of a visit to Tinsley Bridge Ltd for a tour and networking lunch, followed by another facilitated session in the afternoon. In the evening, there will be a larger networking event bringing in more manufacturers and regional partners.
Book your place
This intensive workshop is an excellent opportunity for people working in digital to broaden their understanding of the challenges faced by manufacturing, to think in depth about how digital can solve those challenges and to explore new business opportunities. We encourage you to book a space quickly.
[button url=”https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/connected-manufacturing-workshop-tickets-42535815770″ style=”darkred”]Book your place now[/button]
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If you can’t make the workshop, you can still attend the networking event on the evening of 15th March. Contact Jayne Cupit (j.cupit@shu.ac.uk) at Sheffield Hallam University to request a place.
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Update: Sheffield Innovation Programme are holding a related event at the Cutlers Hall in Sheffield on the 15th March. Juergen Maier, CEO of Siemens will be speaking, along with Mark Webber, MD of Tinsley Bridge Ltd and the Digital KTN.