We recently revamped the Sheffield Digital membership offer and, as part of that, we announced a new members board. The purpose of this board is to give our members and partners a greater opportunity to shape the direction of Sheffield Digital. Applications are now open to join the new members board, read on to find out what you need to do.
Why are we introducing a members board?
Sheffield Digital has been running for nine years and, thanks to the support of our members, has become an important part of the regional tech scene. We want the organisation to evolve in a way that best meets the needs of our members and the regional tech ecosystem.
To help us do this, we are re-organising into two boards: an executive board and a members board. The executive board is made up of our six directors who will continue to be responsible for the legal and financial aspects of the company and oversee the day-to-day operations.
By creating the new members board, we want to develop the strategic governance of the company, asking member representatives to provide strategic input to the organisation and influence its direction.
Who can join the members board, and what will they do?
The members board will be made up of representatives from every category of membership and you can see the breakdown of how it will be constituted in this Information Sheet. So, if you are a member of Sheffield Digital, you can apply.
Representatives on the members board will be speaking for the membership as a whole, not just for themselves. The board will meet three times a year (every four months), and its focus will be on how to address issues through action – we don’t want it to be “just another talking shop”.
You can find out more about the role of representatives on the members board, here.
How you can join the members board
Applications are open now until Sunday 7 July 2024. If you would like to be considered as a representative for the members board, please send your expression of interest by email to Mel Kanarek (mel@sheffield.digital). Tell us why you are interested in joining the members board and what you hope to bring to the organisation, remembering that your role will be to represent the interests of all members in your category.
Please read through our Information Sheet before applying, so you have all of the details.
We’re really looking forward to launching the newly formed members board in September. If you want to discuss the role before putting yourself forward, please contact Mel (via email or Slack) to arrange a time for a chat.
Applications close on Sunday 14 July 2024.