Mark Gannon, Director of Business Change and Information Solutions at Sheffield City Council, has published the alpha version of the Council’s ‘Digital Coalition’ plans on Medium, and you can now read about them here.
As many of you know, especially those who listened to episode 2 of our (awesome, by the way) podcast, we have been working with Mark, along with others, to shape these plans since we started talking in earnest about a partnership back at the beginning of the Summer. It should be noted that the plans are very much in alpha, and, as he explains in the post, we invite comment and input from all and anywhere to develop them further. This is an MVP, people!
I should also point out that the approach is quite different to previous ones, and to those of many other cities. The important point to note is that the plan is for a process and a shared vision, rather than a fixed, documented strategy with a set of recommendations to the Council. This approach is new, but of course we all recognise it, don’t we. This is about behaviours, capabilities, communication, collective action, common visibility and iteration cycles. The plan is itself part of the process. This is how we work. We use the web to allow people with skills and knowledge to contribute, and to coordinate and amplify their actions.
So, please read the plan and let Mark know what you think.
Also, if you’re quick, there is an opportunity to ask questions directly and get involved in the discussion around the plan at the Digital Policy Conflab event tomorrow evening (Thursday 21st). The event is fully subscribed now, but we are expecting some drop outs, so please try to register and if you get put on the waitlist, come anyway! 🙂
Oh, and PPS: Mark was also kind enough to present the plan at the September SmartSheffield meetup last week, before it was published, and the video of that presentation is also now available.
[button url=”https://medium.com/@markgannon/building-a-digital-coalition-for-sheffield-65997ed2a3e7″ style=”darkred”]Read “Building a Digital Coalition for Sheffield”[/button]