The association for the people and businesses of Sheffield's digital industries.

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Announcing Sheffield Digital Showcase

Our new event series launches at The Platform on Thursday the 22nd November, from 5:30pm.

We’re launching a new events series called Showcase, in which we invite local firms and freelancers to come and present a significant piece of work they’ve recently worked on.

We really want more of the great digital work that gets done in our city to be known about and celebrated more widely, especially by young people who might consider choosing a career in the industry.

From new software platforms to marketing campaigns, video games to art installations, immersive XR experiences to digitally fabricated products, we want to see them and find out about how they came about and the people who made them!

Nathan Geering from Rationale Method experimenting with immersive performance in the Megaverse XR Theatre Lab, Summer 2018

The talks will be strictly limited to a maximum of 10 minutes, and should show *the thing that’s been made* either in static images or video on the presentation screen, or if possible live . It should also make clear how the project came about, who the client is (if there is one), who worked on it, and something about the design and development process.

In addition, if the thing being showcased has already been launched, it would be great to get a sense of the impact/reception, etc.

All this, in addition to what the thing actually is, needs to be squeezed into no more than 10 minutes. That’s the challenge we are posing, and we’re going to be strict with the timing – there may even be a klaxon…!

Our first event will be a takeover of The Platform, on Thursday the 22nd November from 5:30 till 9pm at the Workstation,  which is put on by Showroom Workstation and Sheffield Technology Parks.

If you are up to the challenge and would like to present, please get in touch with us at, Twitter or via the Sheffield Digital Slack!

[button url=”″ style=”darkred”]Tickets to the first event are now available![/button]