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Episode 5

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We’re on to episode five of the Sheffield Digital Podcast. This time, we’re joined by Mark Goddard from user research and design studio, Paper. We talk a lot about the decisions Mark and his co-founders made when starting the company. I think it makes for a really interesting look at the process and how there is no one way of doing things. We also cover, the bi-monthly event that Paper organises, and how that fits in with their business.

In other topics, we briefly talk about Sheffield’s first digital conference, which comes on the back of the digital confab last month. Mel talks about the Women in Tech event she recently attended at Google Digital Garage, before calling on people to help set up a regular meetup. There’s mention of Sky Betting & Gaming, which is up to a couple of things – first a CoLab programme as well as a recruitment drive to fill 30 open vacancies in Sheffield. Finally, we run through the digital-based nominees for the Sheffield Chamber Business Awards.

There’s plenty to chew on, so go find your headphones and get stuck in. If you enjoy listening to the show, please tell someone else about it. We’d love for it to reach as many people as possible.

Notes and links

Every episode comes with a list of links to all of the various people, companies and topics that we reference. Here is that list for episode four.

Join the conversation

We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast. You can share your thoughts with us on Twitter or on the #-podcast channel in the Sheffield Digital Slack community.

Thank you for the music

Thanks again to Alex Mclean – aka Yaxu – for the show’s intro music, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Check out the AlgoMech Festival 2017, which takes place 8–12 November.