The data in this section of the Ecosystem Report is from Sheffield Digital and the Sheffield City Council Business Survey, conducted in September 2020. The graphs show activity amongst the digital community in Sheffield, including job advertising and job seeking, events and website traffic, and how these varied throughout the pandemic in 2020. This section also includes the Sector Priorities, as determined by the economy. SHF network and Sheffield Digital members.

Sector Priorities
- Increase engagement in R&D-led funding opportunities, as Sheffield doesn’t claim as much as it should for the size of its economy.
- Create a city-wide tech careers engagement strategy.
- Bring all the startup, scaleup, funding and business support infrastructure together in an annual conference and expo.
- Develop a region-wide digital transformation agency, which acts as an honest broker between firms looking to build capacity and local specialists and agencies.
Based on survey responses from the economy. SHF network and Sheffield Digital members (individuals and companies). Simply ‘recovering from Covid-19’ was excluded as an option.
This article was published as part of the 2020 Ecosystem Update. For the rest of this publication, and others in the series please visit the Sheffield Digital Ecosystem Update page.