It’s been too long since we’ve held one of these, but we’re hoping to be able to run them at least every six months going forward, with Spaces as our venue partner.
The Meta-Meetup is an opportunity for event organisers to meet and exchange tips, collaborate and pool resources in order to make each other’s events more successful. Many of the meetups are ‘tech meetups’, but not all – the meta-meetup is open to anyone who organises regular events around particular topics or for specific communities in Sheffield.
The format of the Meta-Meetup is in four parts:
- 5:30 – 5:45pm
Arrival and welcome refreshments. - 5:45 – 6:15pm
Short talks. - 6:15 – 7:15pm
“Open space” discussions. - 7:15 – 8pm
Food, drinks and networking
The ‘open space’ discussion will either be for all attendees at once, or we’ll split into individual groups depending on how many people there are. The discussions will be on topics chosen by the participants. Each new topic is introduced with a question. Participants can provide opening questions by writing them on a flip-chart when they arrive or at any time after.
We’re anticipating up to three short talks of around 10 minutes each. One will be from us at Sheffield Digital on our recent acquisition of the Open Tech Calendar and plans for the future – please get in touch if you would like to present a talk in one of the other slots!
We close at 8pm, but, if people would like to carry their conversations on, we may retire to the Queen’s Head pub after the event.
Please book your ticket early so we can get an idea of numbers, and let us know about any questions or requirements when you register.
We look forward to seeing you there!
[button url=”” style=”darkred”]Register here for Meta-Meetup #4[/button]