Tech North has just announced Northern Voices, a six-month programme to help address the diversity challenge in tech/digital. The first course is designed specifically for women, and non-binary people who do not identify as men, to address the gender imbalance at conferences and in media appearances, in turn making digital jobs a more attractive career for all.
As part of the programme, Tech North has asked Sandy Lindsay MBE of Tangerine PR and Penny Haslam, an award-winning BBC Radio 5 Live journalist, to deliver free media and public speaker training for 20 women with limited public exposure from across the North.
They will then spend six months booking them for on-stage appearances and in the media talking about anything from their expertise to their experiences getting a job in the industry.
Tech North is looking for people who should be sharing their stories with younger women, their peers, the UK business community – perhaps, even, the rest of the world.
They welcome applications from groups that are particularly underrepresented in UK tech, including ethnic minority and disabled applicants, those who have experienced socio-economic disadvantage and people who identify as LGBTIQ.
All you need to do to be considered is fill out this 5-minute form by Wednesday 8th February and make sure you are available at the most convenient venue on either:
2nd March in Leeds
3rd March in Newcastle
6th March in Manchester