Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) has launched a funded internship programme for its graduates of 2020. The university is asking businesses in Sheffield City Region to take on an intern during summer to work remotely, giving them valuable experience as they enter an uncertain graduate job market. Companies can select either a fully funded internship for a total of 100 hours, or a full time intern who will work for eight weeks at a cost of £1260 to the employer.
Why consider an intern?
We know that every business owner has a lot on their plates at the moment and taking on an intern is probably low down on your list of priorities. However, the graduates of 2020 are the workforce of the future so it’s to everyone’s benefit that they get some hands-on experience after finishing their studies.
Plus, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic will have thrown well-made plans off course for many companies. Could you use an internship as an opportunity to revisit some of those plans, with an extra pair of hands to help?
So, what’s involved?
Interns will come from all different degree disciplines and will be available to start from late June, no later than the start of July. Interns will work remotely from home with support and resources from SHU including guidance on setting up their home working station, advice on taking care of their mental and physical health and wellbeing, and guidance about how they should monitor their work and communicate this with you.
All interns will create a report and a case study at the end of their time working for you.
In some instances, SHU will consider placing interns on-site for some key worker industries.
There are two options available to businesses. Hallam Internships are fully funded by the university – which pays the graduate a bursary of £1000 – and offer 100 hours of work (between 20-30 hours per week) at no cost to you.
The second option is an eight week full-time internship offered through the Santander Internship Programme for SMEs. The graduates work for 35 hours per week and are paid a total of £2520, half by you (£1260) and half by SHU.
How to apply
Applications are open now and you have until 15 May to submit a brief. You’ll start to receive CVs from 14 June so you can conduct virtual interviews with a view to having an intern start in late June.
To apply for a fully funded 100 hour intern fill in this form.
If you are an SME and want to apply for a full-time eight week intern, fill in this form.
To speak to the team at SHU about taking on an intern, send them an email on: Employment.service@shu.ac.uk and you will get a call back as soon as they can to talk it through with you.