Throughout 2020 we received many offers of help and material support from people and firms in the local digital community, which we compiled into a list on our website. Towards the end of the year we revisited this list, with many companies leaving their offers open to help out through the second wave of the pandemic, and we continue to receive more generous responses from local businesses and individuals who want to help.
These assets and offers of help can be anything from free rack-space or managed hosting to spare service centre capacity; from offers to design and build digital tools at cost rather than market rate to seconding people or allowing furloughed development teams to volunteer. We’re certain that any digital comms and tech help that can be offered can be put to use in the city and wider.
If you would prefer to make your offer of support anonymous, please just let us know and we’ll make sure only the nature of the offer is published, and will connect you up if and when someone requests it.
The offers and asks collected so far are listed below, and you can use this form to add to the list:
[button url=”https://forms.gle/vKjF1JcWS8yuMkTCA” style=”darkred”]Please fill out this form to register your offer of support[/button]
Support offers and assets
Here are some of the latest support offers we’ve received. As this list gets longer, we’ll set up a document to keep track of them all. [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Nimble Approach
Website: https://www.nimbleapproach.com/
Offer summary: With all this uncertainty at the moment, Nimble would like to offer our help and support in any way we can to keep small businesses (like ours!) going as best we can. We would like to offer free consultancy to anyone in our network who needs it – whether it’s to bounce new ideas off one of our delivery specialists, or just to talk through one of your new projects, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help where we can!
Contact: Chris Roberts [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: The Curve
Website: https://thecurve.io
Offer summary: The Curve are a Sheffield-based software development and technology consultancy. We would like to offer software development and technology consultancy at no more than cost for anyone working on a project that supports the COVID-19 fight, support setting up online shopping sites (Shopify) for those who now can only sell and deliver online, support setting up remote working tools (video conferencing, VPN, VOIP/Virtual Phones, etc).
Contact: Melise Jones [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Evoluted
Website: https://evoluted.net
Offer summary: Free digital marketing advice. Covering what you should be doing during the crisis, to prepare for a post COVID-19 world and how you can adapt your business to survive online.
Contact: Ash Young [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Mr-Maker
Website: https://Mark-Wrigley.com
Offer summary: Access to a large maker community. A network of contacts involved with laser cutting and 3D printing. Many are already manufacturing face masks and similar items. The issue now is to match users with makers.
Contact: Mark Wrigley [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Pipe Ten Hosting Ltd.
Website: https://www.pipeten.com/
Offer summary: We are providing free application hosting, website hosting and compute infrastructure for any CV19 related projects, assisting companies with cost reduction and migrations to cloud infrastructure while furloughed, advice + support + jobs available.
Contact: Carl Heaton [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Hydra Creative
Website: https://www.hydracreative.com
Offer summary: Free analysis of current digital efforts, with free digital marketing advice. The free digital marketing advice will include how to adapt your online strategy going forward, and the chance to brainstorm fresh ideas.
Contact: Amy Dixon [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: tecy.digital
Website: https://tecy.digital
Offer summary: Companies are unsure of what the future holds but have vital project work in the pipeline. There are also lots of contractors and freelancers without work right now and most are unable to access the government financial aid packages. Companies can access tecy.digital completely free of charge for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis and connect with contractors and freelancers who need your support.
Contact: Scott Davies [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Northern Value Creators
Website: www.northernvaluecreators.com
Offer summary: Free coaching. Working remotely, trying to do your best for your team, or wondering how to keep your business thriving? Feeling overwhelmed? Our coaches can help you do your best thinking, someone to bounce ideas off, or simply be someone to talk to.
Contact: Simon Cookson [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Deeper than Blue
Website: https://deeperthanblue.co.uk
Offer summary: Let us help you move business online to help with trade in these tough times. We will set you up with a Tradeable online store with full checkout and cart functions, configurable delivery options and guidance on how to use the admin portal on the platform so you can keep it running without developers. This is aimed at people who have a physical store and do not currently have the ability to sell online and is offered at a minimal cost.
Contact: Craig Melville [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Bolster
Offer summary: Time, advice and expertise in “digital transformation” – help to automate or digitise manual processes, help businesses adapt their processes to enable fully remote and productive working.
Contact: Elliot Chaim [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Fenti Limited
Website: https://fenti.co.uk
Offer summary: We are offering 1 week free social media management – content and artwork, marketing strategy advice, advice on social media, website updates, content review of social media, content review of website, free SEO report and advice on how to rank higher.
Contact: Mark Shipley [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: RTB
Website: https://www.rtbfc.co.uk/
Offer summary: We develop mental skills, within a continuous improvement culture, to unlock potential, maximise natural abilities & enable elite performance. All programmes are tailor made & delivered to meet your unique requirements. Our services are free to frontline services during this difficult time.
Contact: Mark Fretwell [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Can Studios
Website: https://canstudios.com
Offer summary: We help organisations of all types and sizes create online training, assessments and ed-tech – from providing tools to create your own elearning, to building fully-bespoke portals. Assess how you can best transform your face-to-face training for online delivery with our expert advice and free trials of our elearning authoring & learning management tools. 25% discount on annual plans* for Sheffield-based companies whose face-to-face delivery is affected by COVID restrictions.
(*Training Post & Adapt from Can Studios Premium.)
Contact: Paul Hilton [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Meetupcall
Website: http://www.meetupcall.com
Offer summary: Meetupcall are offering immediate use of their audio & video conferencing platform for free to any business with a Yorkshire post code for the duration of this second lockdown. The platform can be customised and styled to represent your brand, has no meeting time limits and puts your privacy first.
Contact: Simon Moxon [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Company: Karen Perkins Coaching
Website: https://www.karenperkinslifecoach.co.uk/
Offer summary: Free business, career, tech coaching. I help managers, CEO’s & businesses navigate lockdown creatively. People like my impartial support for their ideas, enthusiasm for selfcare & new challenges. Free or #coachnowpaylater.
Contact: Karen Perkins [divider type=”thin” spacing=”10″]
Requests for support
We’ll add requests for support here as they come in. If you would like to ask the Sheffield Digital community for help with something, please get in touch.