Sheffield Digital Podcast

The Sheffield Digital podcast is the perfect way for you to find out what’s going on in the city’s tech and digital sector. We cover a range of topics, from the latest news, events and information to specific Sheffield success stories. Simply scroll down to see the latest episodes.

We publish new episodes as and when we produce them and you can head back into the archives to listen to all our previous shows. There are some great interviews with some of Sheffield’s leading tech and digital lights, as well as our “career insights” and “how did you get here?” series where people share their stories.

Your ideas and feedback are always welcome! Just send an email to if you have something to say about the show. If you’re part of the Sheffield Digital Slack community, you can also contact us there or leave a message in the #-podcast channel.

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In episode 67 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast we look ahead to the Sheffield Digital Festival with four of our...
In episode 66 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast we speak to Tracey Johnson and David Akeroyd from Barnsley DMC and...
In episode 65 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast we speak to Dean Sadler, founder and CEO of TribePad about his...
In episode 64 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast, Mel and Chris share some updates from the city’s digital sector. It’s...
In episode 63 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast, we speak to people from three different companies to hear how they...
In episode 62, we speak to Mark Mobbs from Marketing Sheffield about the new Make Yourself at Home campaign. It...
In episode 61, Sheffield Digital’s directors Mel Kanarek and Chris Dymond talk about life in lockdown and how Sheffield’s digital...
In episode 60 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast we talk all things freelancing with software engineer, Stuart Grimshaw, plus audio...
In episode 59 of the Sheffield Digital Podcast we speak to Jonny Briggs, director of Field, Sheffield design studio and...