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Event to open doors for creative sector

Creative practitioners across South Yorkshire are invited to collaborate with the region's film, music, arts and theatre leaders.

Individuals, businesses and organisations from across the cultural, creative and digital industries sectors are invited to an inaugural South Yorkshire wide event this Thursday (October 21st) which could open doors for your next project. The first South Yorkshire Cultural & Creative Industries Network event will take place at Doncaster’s Danum Gallery, Library and Museum and will include a panel discussion about the future of the industries, as well as an open forum for attendees to share their ideas. Here are some more details from the press release.

The South Yorkshire Cultural & Creative Industries Network has been established after the success of the Cultural and Creative Industries Summit in Sheffield last month. It will offer a collaborative, supportive space for people who work or volunteer their time across the full spectrum of creative industries including theatre, TV, film, publishing, design and music.

Thursday’s free event will feature an inspiring panel discussion about the South Yorkshire cultural and creative sector, highlighting recent work and ambitions for the future. Speakers will include leaders and experts representing the region’s arts, film, music and theatre industries.

There will also be an opportunity for attendees to share their ideas with fellow creatives; which could ultimately lead to a new opportunity or collaboration. It will be an open forum during which individuals or businesses can present a topic of their choosing to celebrate the exciting work taking place across the region. This could include showcasing a recent creative project, sharing details of a new or existing project seeking partners, an overview of a start-up business in the sector or a design competition open to entrants.

Organised by Showroom Workstation and the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA), it is the first of a programme of ten events set to take place across South Yorkshire over the next year.

Kate Brindley, Project Director for arts, culture and heritage, SYMCA, works with South Yorkshire’s cultural sectors to attract investment, grow participation, and increase tourism opportunities for the region. She said: “Across South Yorkshire, we have a tremendous number of creative practitioners who are bringing so many exciting projects to life. Collectively, they have the ability to really put South Yorkshire’s cultural and creative sector on the map.

“Outstanding culture and creative projects bring our towns and cities together, creating vibrant places and strong communities; while also supporting a vast number of jobs and attracting further investment into the region. We hope that convening a wide spectrum of people together regularly via this network will provide a supportive boost to individuals, businesses, organisations and the sector as a whole; proudly celebrating and building on the fantastic work they each do every day.

“The Creative Industries sector has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic but can absolutely be the driving force behind economic recovery in South Yorkshire. We’re focused on ensuring that talent is supported and nurtured throughout and this is a positive step forward on that journey.”

Nationwide, the industry generated £115.9bn in GVA and 3.5 million UK jobs prior to the pandemic. During the Cultural and Creative Industries Summit last month, leaders highlighted the importance of making creative and cultural industries a strategic priority for the UK to bounce back better after Covid-19.

The event will include a panel discussion with representatives from exciting new creative organisations across the region. Hosted by Olivia Jones, Creative Director at Doncopolitan, speakers at next week’s event, scheduled to take place 4.30pm-7pm, include:

● Mike Stubbs, Creative Producer at Doncaster Creates. Mike is an artist and curator, encompassing a range of arts and media practice. His artwork, management and advocacy have been internationally acknowledged.

● Lucy Robertshaw, Assistant Director of Darts, a Doncaster-based participatory arts charity. Lucy has over twenty years’ experience of developing, managing and evaluating creative projects and oversees the organisation’s work with adults.

For further information about the event and to register for a free place, visit Anybody who would like to share a creative idea at the event is asked to email in advance.