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Best British Tech Startup competition 2019

Deadline for entries is Sunday 25 November and it would be great to see Sheffield represented.

The deadline for KPMG’s Best British Tech Start-up (BBTS) competition is this Sunday 25 November. If you haven’t got your entry in already, we’d love to see some Sheffield companies make it through to the Northern stage of the competition, held on Thursday 31 January 2019.

What’s it all about?

This is the fifth edition of the BBTS competition, which helps highlight and showcase some of the UK companies doing great work. Thousands of businesses have entered the competition in previous years and many have gone on to raise millions in funding. Previous participants include What3Words, Babylon Health, Your.MD and SafeToNet.

Shortlisted applicants in this year’s competition will be invited to pitch at one of our five regional heats (see Northern stage info above). The six finalists will progress to the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona on 25–28 February next year, where they will pitch to a panel of global industry experts. They will then choose the Best British Tech Startup 2019.

Get your entries in

This is a good opportunity for Sheffield startups to showcase their talent and reach a wider audience. You never know where it might lead, so head over to the BBTS site for more information and to complete the application form to enter.