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Sheffield Digital Insight: Building teams and developing people at Tes

‘Sheffield Digital Insight’ focuses on careers in the tech sector. In a series of interviews with people who work in the Sheffield City Region, we are starting a conversation about different roles, the skills you need or can expect to learn, and everything that is exciting and inspiring about working in tech. 

This episode features Ryan Temple who is Head of Product Development at Tes. Sarah asks him about the main skills and tasks involved in the job, how his career has progressed, which parts of the job he finds challenging and which aspects he enjoys the most, and what it’s like working for the company.

Tes has evolved from a printed newspaper supplement to support schools and teachers with their work, into a leading education business and global digital community. In 2018, Tes opened an office in Sheffield and here the evolution continues, with the announcement of a new Engineering Hub in 2021 and the creation of 20 new roles in the city. You can find out more in our company spotlight.

Watch our series of interviews on the Sheffield Digital YouTube channel and subscribe to the channel for new episodes. Find out more about the campaign on our website.

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Notes and links

Ryan was interviewed online by Sarah Lister, Membership Coordinator at Sheffield Digital, on 4th August 2022.

Every episode comes with a list of links to the companies we reference.

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We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast. You can share your thoughts with us on Twitter or on the channel in the Sheffield Digital Slack community.

Thank you for the music

Thanks to Alex Mclean – aka Yaxu – for the show’s intro music, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.