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How did you get here: Interview with Odette and Hannah from the UK Home Office

This episode features an interview with Odette McHenry and Hannah Turner from the UK Home Office. Odette is Deputy Director for Automation and Innovation in the Digital, Data and Technology Department (DDaT). Hannah is the Head of Commissioning for Automation and AI. 

Odette and Hannah tell us about what their individual jobs involve, the unique pathways they have taken towards working in tech, and what they are most excited about in automation and AI at the moment. At the end they each offer a bit of advice to anyone interested in working in automation.

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Notes and Links

This interview was recorded online by Sarah Lister, Membership Coordinator at Sheffield Digital, on 4th September 2024. 


Digital Data and Technology Department (DDaT)

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Thank you for the music

Thanks to Alex Mclean – aka Yaxu – for the show’s intro music, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.