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Everything you need to know about IP at the beginning of your tech journey – with Kerry Russell from Shakespeare Martineau

Just imagine if you could sit down with a solicitor specialising in Intellectual Property (IP) and ask them everything you need to know at the beginning of your tech journey. Well, we did just that with Kerry Russell, an IP Lawyer at Shakespeare Martineau, which is one of our Associate Sponsors. 

Kerry gives us an overview of IP and the main IP rights that people need to know about, then she responds to some questions sent in by our community. If you want to go straight to the questions then please skip to 22 minutes into the episode.

Question 1: What’s the best way to protect your side project from being copied?

Question 2: What do you think is currently the most efficient method of commercialising shared IP and how do you see this evolving over the next 5 years?

Question 3: How quickly do you think the law will catch up to advanced technology and its uses in assigning ownership and governance over IP – for instance using NFTs to assign IP ownership is currently possible. Will it stay that way or is it likely to change when the law catches up?

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Notes and Links

This interview was recorded online by Sarah Lister, Membership Coordinator at Sheffield Digital, on 14th November 2024. 


Sheffield Digital Slack community

Sheffield Technology Parks

Intellectual Property Office

The IPKat

World IP Review

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys | CIPA

Licensing Executives Society International

International Trademark Association


Shakespeare Martineau website

Shakespeare Martineau LinkedIn

Contact Kerry

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We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast. You can share your thoughts with us on Twitter or on the channel in the Sheffield Digital Slack community.

Thank you for the music

Thanks to Alex Mclean – aka Yaxu – for the show’s intro music, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.