The association for the people and businesses of Sheffield's digital industries.

talent 23, a year of talent and skills

a year of talent and skills

Founder membership

[alert style=”red”]Our founder membership offer will close at the end of April. If you want to become a founder, please contact us before then![/alert]

Sheffield Digital does not receive any funding from the public sector – in fact, we want to stay independent and make sure the organisation can be sustainable.

We are currently working to get the organisation off the ground and into a shape where we can start offering valuable services in return for membership subscriptions. To do that takes time and resources – and to fund that we need money.

If you support what we are trying to achieve and want to show your commitment to the development of Sheffield as a world-beating city for digital excellence, then you can do that by becoming a founder member.

Founder members will:

  • Be represented on the organisation’s initial steering group / board and have a say in how the organisation develops.
  • Be highly visible in our discussions with policy makers and education.
  • Be influential in establishing a valuable resource for the region’s digital economy.
  • Be recognised in all our content and publications and at our events.
  • Have access to the digital community for market intelligence and consultation.
  • Be filled with a warm glow of satisfaction from supporting the development of our city’s thriving digital community.

Ready to step up and join the organisations that already support us? Please get in touch!