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Announcing Sheffield Digital Policy Roundtables

A new way to facilitate engagement between the digital industries and policymakers.

Sheffield Digital is excited to announce the launch of our Digital Policy Roundtables, a new initiative designed to foster strategic engagement between digital businesses and policymakers in our region and nationally. Starting this Spring, we will host two roundtable discussions each year, providing a platform for our members and partners to discuss local, regional, and national policies affecting digital tech and media companies in Sheffield.

What is the Digital Policy Roundtable initiative?

Our Digital Policy Roundtables will bring together representatives from three key stakeholder groups:

  • Our Members: Local tech businesses that are part of the Sheffield Digital community.
  • Ecosystem Partners: Including the local authority and universities.
  • Policy Specialists: Experts from regional and national think tanks and government departments.

These discussions are designed to facilitate meaningful conversations on policies impacting our sector, allowing for the exchange of insights and the identification of collaborative opportunities.

Format and structure

The roundtable meetings will be invitation-only and semi-formal, chaired by a representative from Sheffield Digital with notes taken and shared among participants. Operating under Chatham House Rules, the discussions will ensure anonymity, encouraging open and honest dialogue. A public summary will be published post-event, detailing the participating companies and organisations, as well as the general topics discussed (but not the specific details of the discussions or who said what).

Each roundtable will accommodate up to 20 participants, allocated as follows:

  • Sheffield Digital: two seats (Chair and note taker)
  • Large and Enterprise Company Members: two seats (automatically allocated)
  • Ecosystem Partners: six seats
  • Additional Members: six seats (reserved for other company members on a first-come, first-served basis)
  • Invitees: four seats (reserved for specific policy experts)

Venue and timing

The roundtables are scheduled bi-annually, aligning with the UK Government’s Spring and Autumn budget announcements. Each session will last two hours, typically between 4 and 6 pm on a weekday. Venues will be fully accessible and located within Sheffield City Centre.

The first Roundtable will take place on Tuesday 15 April at Sheffield Technology Parks, from 4-6pm. 

If you are a company member of Sheffield Digital, including startups, and would like to attend, please email

Topics of discussion

The roundtables will serve as a forum for:

  • Communicating policies and proposals related to the digital tech and media industry.
  • Allowing local businesses to share barriers to growth and their perspectives from the frontline.
  • Identifying opportunities for collaboration and support within the community.

Prior to each meeting, the Sheffield Digital Chair will solicit topic suggestions from main invitees, establish an agenda, and distribute any necessary briefing documents.

Benefits for Member Businesses

This initiative enhances the ability of digital businesses to engage strategically within the city. By providing a space for long-term thinking and collaboration, the roundtables aim to make Sheffield an even better place to start and grow a digital tech or media business. Areas of focus may include mobility, skills, funding, culture, housing, research, connectivity, and procurement.

We believe that by understanding and addressing the needs of digital firms, significant positive changes can be achieved for our community. Stay tuned for more information on the inaugural Digital Policy Roundtable, and how you can get involved in shaping the future of Sheffield’s digital landscape. Your thoughts and input is always welcome, please contact Chris Dymond at or on the community Slack.